OK, how much?

There are many variables involved but this calculator will give you a rough idea.


Do you want to register a domain name?
You may have already registered a domain name with a different company, in which case we can use that. Otherwise we can register one for you. A typical one would be www.yourbusiness­name.co.uk.
Do you want us to host the site
Again, you may have hosting arranged by another company. Please see "Some terms explained" here. £30pa
How many pages do you think you'll need?
Web pages are best kept reasonably short to avoid excessive scrolling. Three pages is often a good starting point: Home, About and Contact.

Tick any further options

Contact form
You can have a simple 'mailto' link which when clicked opens the user's email program. But a dedicated form gives more control and flexibility and is less likely to attract spam. £25
Facebook links
A link to your FaceBook page, plus 'Like' and/or 'Share' buttons. Example. £15
Picture gallery
If you have many pictures to display they are best shown as part of a tailor-made gallery. Example. £35
Google map
An embedded map, tailored to show the exact area you want. £15
mp3 player
A 'gallery' for audio clips. Example. £25
Logo design
Our logos are designed to look good on a web page. If required, they can be provided at a higher resolution suitable for letterheads, etc.From £50.
Site statistics
Site statistics give a detailed account of how many people are visiting your site and when, what they searched for on Google, etc. £20


Pricing in more detail

Please note that most of the charges are one-off payments. Recurring charges are shown in red.

Registering a UK domain (eg .co.uk or .org.uk - price per two-year period) £45
Registering a US domain (eg .com or .org - price per year) £30
Hosting per year £30
Transferring a domain name. £5
Price for designing first web page (including some modest graphic design elements) £90
Price for next five pages, per page £50
Price for subsequent pages, per page £35
Minor text editing of web pages (first hour per month) Free
Additional editing of web pages per hour, eg adding pictures £20
Contact form £25
Picture gallery £35
Google map £15
Mp3 player £25
Logo design From £50
Site statistics £20


The small print